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Authentication Header:

You can read the authentication header from the headers of the request

Authorization: Token


POST /api/users/login

Example request body:

"email": "jake@jake.jake",
"password": "jakejake"

No authentication required, returns a User

Required fields: email, password


POST /api/users

Example request body:

"username": "Jacob",
"email": "jake@jake.jake",
"password": "jakejake"

No authentication required, returns a User

Required fields: email, username, password

Get Current User

GET /api/user

Authentication required, returns a User that’s the current user

Update User

PUT /api/user

Example request body:

"email": "jake@jake.jake",
"bio": "I like to skateboard",
"image": ""

Authentication required, returns the User

Accepted fields: email, username, password, image, bio

Get Profile

GET /api/profiles/:username

Authentication optional, returns a Profile

Follow user

POST /api/profiles/:username/follow

Authentication required, returns a Profile

No additional parameters required

Unfollow user

DELETE /api/profiles/:username/follow

Authentication required, returns a Profile

No additional parameters required

List Articles

GET /api/articles

Returns most recent articles globally by default, provide tag, author or favorited query parameter to filter results

Query Parameters:

Filter by tag:


Filter by author:


Favorited by user:


Limit number of articles (default is 20):


Offset/skip number of articles (default is 0):


Authentication optional, will return multiple articles, ordered by most recent first

Feed Articles

GET /api/articles/feed

Can also take limit and offset query parameters like List Articles

Authentication required, will return multiple articles created by followed users, ordered by most recent first.

Get Article

GET /api/articles/:slug

No authentication required, will return single article

Create Article

POST /api/articles

Example request body:

"article": {
"title": "How to train your dragon",
"description": "Ever wonder how?",
"body": "You have to believe",
"tagList": ["reactjs", "angularjs", "dragons"]

Authentication required, will return an Article

Required fields: title, description, body

Optional fields: tagList as an array of Strings

Update Article

PUT /api/articles/:slug

Example request body:

"article": {
"title": "Did you train your dragon?"

Authentication required, returns the updated Article

Optional fields: title, description, body

The slug also gets updated when the title is changed

Delete Article

DELETE /api/articles/:slug

Authentication required

Add Comments to an Article

POST /api/articles/:slug/comments

Example request body:

"comment": {
"body": "His name was my name too."

Authentication required, returns the created Comment

Required field: body

Get Comments from an Article

GET /api/articles/:slug/comments

Authentication optional, returns multiple comments

Delete Comment

DELETE /api/articles/:slug/comments/:id

Authentication required

Favorite Article

POST /api/articles/:slug/favorite

Authentication required, returns the Article

No additional parameters required

Unfavorite Article

DELETE /api/articles/:slug/favorite

Authentication required, returns the Article

No additional parameters required

Get Tags

GET /api/tags

No authentication required, returns a List of Tags