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Special thanks

RealWorld would not be possible without the open source community’s assistance in reviewing codebases, developing new app implementations, and a variety of other duties that help the project progress. We’d like to thank the following OSS leaders for their contributions to RealWorld:

  • Dan Abramov (creator of Redux) for helping spark the initial idea, getting the Redux community involved, as well as graciously taking the time to provide feedback on the Redux codebase
  • Max Lynch (creator of Ionic) for taking the time to provide guidance in the early days of this project
  • Addy Osmani (creator of TodoMVC) for helping spark the initial idea and his amazing work with TodoMVC
  • TodoMVC (team & contributors) for their exemplary & successful work; their project & org has been an invaluable analogy for us as we’ve built out RealWorld
  • James Brewer (docs contributor to Django) for countless brainstorming sessions, helping name this project, and creating the Django codebase + tutorial